Brand: Renishaw
Model: inVia
Lasers: 532nm & 325nm
Brief Description:
Raman system consist of:
- one or more single coloured light sources (lasers)
- lenses (both to focus the light onto the sample and to collect the scattered light)
- filters (to purify the reflected and scattered light so that only the Raman light is collected)
- a means of splitting the light into its constituent colours (normally a diffraction grating or prism)
- a very sensitive detector (to detect the weak light)
- a device such as a computer to control the whole system, display the spectrum and enable this information to be analysed
Advantages of Raman Spectroscopy :
- Chemical composition and structure of materials
Raman Spectroscopy can differentiate chemical structures,even if they contain the same atoms in different arrangements
- Non-contacting and non-destructive
Analyse your sample multiple times without damage
- Typically No Sample Preparation
If you can use an optical microscope to focus onto the analysis region,you can use a Raman microscope to collect its Raman spectrum
- You can choose how much or little of the sample you want to analysed
The best Raman microscopes provide flexibility in controlling collection volumes, ranging from minute amounts of material (<1μm in size) to samples centimetres across.
- Analysed through transparent containers and windows
Most Raman analyses use visible or near-visible light. It is therefore, simple to collect the content-rich information even when the sample is sealed within a transparent container(e.g: vial or capillary tube), or withing a cell with a viewing window (e.g. temperature or pressure cell)
- Sensitive to small changes in material structure
Raman bands result directly from molecular vibrations. These vibrations are very sensitive to changes in chemistry and structure, so you can spot subtle differences in molecular environment, The direct relationship between vibrations and Raman bands also makes interpretation easier.
- It works on almost all materials
Room A124, Ground Floor, Block A Physics Department
Person In-charge:
Supervisor: Mrs. Nor Endang Binti Ariffin (Phone no.: +603-79675174 / +6019-7552012)
Assistant Science Officer: Mrs. Laizah Binti Laida
Assistant Science Officer: Mrs. Nurhayati Binti Abdul Wahab
Senior Lab Assistant : Mrs. Dzurainey Binti Abu Bakar
Instrument Status: