Brand: JEOL
Model: JEM-2100F
High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HRTEM) consist of:
The JEM-2100F is a multipurpose, 200 kV FE (Field Emission) analytical electron microscope.
A Variety of versions is provided to adapt to the user's purposes. The FE electron gun (FEG) produces highly stable and bright electron probe that is never achieved with conventional thermionic electron gun.
This feature is essential for ultrahigh resolution in scanning transmission microscopy and in an analysis of a nano-scaled sample. Various analytical instruments and/or cameras such as EDS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer) or CCD cameras are ready for integration with a PC system of the microscope control.
Magnification : 2000 to 1,500,000
Acce.voltage : 200kV
Dry, crystal base sample
Room A124 ,Ground Floor, Block A Physics Department
Assistant Science Officer: Mr. Amir Shah Sigara Bin Abu (Phone no.: +603-79674191 / +60194765359)
(Jan 2025 - at present)
Last Update: 24/01/2025