• Department of Physics
  • ketua_fizik@um.edu.my
  • 03-7967 4206

Fizik Colloquium Friday 16th June

Jun 16, 2023
03.00 PM - 04.00 PM
Zoom Platform

Dear all,

The CTCP & the Department of Physics Cordially Invite you to the Following Colloquium:

Title: Transformation Thermotics and Thermal Metamaterials: Controlling Heat Flow at Will

Speaker: Prof. Ji-Ping Huang. Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Date: Friday June 16th 3:00 - 4:00 pm        

Venue: Zoom Meeting Online

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87028615703?pwd=NDBjbHNTWCs3S2gvSDBiaWZrK0dzZz09

Meeting ID: 870 2861 5703

Passcode: 738726


According to the principle of general relativity, physical laws established in one reference frame can be applied to any other reference frame through coordinate transformations. Based on this, the theory of transformation thermotics for steady-state diffusion systems emerged in 2008. Specifically, transformation thermotics refers to a theoretical method that accurately couples geometric parameters of spatial structures into thermophysical quantities such as thermal conductivity, achieved through coordinate transformations between two different spaces. This method makes it possible to achieve precise arbitrary control of heat transfer using artificial geometric structures, giving rise to thermal metamaterials. Unlike traditional thermodynamics, which passively describes natural phenomena, transformation thermotics focuses on actively controlling the heat phenomena of artificial systems. This talk will introduce the theoretical and experimental progress made in this field since the emergence of the theory of transformation thermotics in 2008, including topics such as thermal cloaking.

About the Speaker:

Distinguished Professor Ji-Ping Huang got his BSc in 1998 from Suzhou University, China and his PhD in 2003 from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. After that he moved to the Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany, where he served as a postdoctoral and research fellow. He is currently the Vice-Dean and Distinguished professor in the Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. His research interests include statistical physics and complex systems, modern thermodynamics, transformation thermotics (thermodynamics) and extended theories, thermal metamaterials, diffusion metamaterials (for heat transfer, particle dynamics, and plasma transport), non-Hermitian topology, stellar radiation and blackhole-inspired thermotics, soft condensed matter theory, and econophysics and big data. His main academic achievements are (i) transformation thermotics (thermodynamics) theory for diffusion systems, which helps predict the concept of a thermal cloak. This lead to the theoretical and experimental upsurge in designing artificial structures to control novel heat transport and promotes the formation of the research direction of thermal metamaterials, and (ii) human experiments into statistical physics of complex systems, thus yielding experimental econophysics (a different direction of econophysics).

Thank you.
